Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Endings and New Journeys

The botanical garden showing about 2/3 of the total size.
It was a day of planning, juggling, fits and starts, project dreaming, and the end of Jessie's freshman year in high school. Whew! We made it through! The work on he pond chugged along--with the exception of a delivery of the wrong stone for the cap around the edges. I found the workers in the midst of unloading and just said, "Oh no, that's not the material I agreed too. No, we are not going to just cut it down. By the time I have paid for the labor to cut it and the rental of the saw, I will have paid more than I would have for the right material, and it will take three times as long." I hope the correct material gets delivered tomorrow and the capstone can go around the rim of both the bog area and the main pond.

It was also a day of new beeeez, and there is a non-eyeglazing post on them here.

In the meantime I dream of mosaic shower stalls and entry floors, glow-in-the-dark applications, a wood table inlaid with a cast glass river (anybody can do it with resin!), the bed headboard and desk I want to make for our room. More pragmatically I scope out everything I have to get done before we leave for Montana. I need everything to be ready for the house sitter, and I need to make a final decision on my summer project. I'm leaning towards the bathroom mosaic. Oh yes, I have to decide what else to pack too. (To take my orchids to Montana, or not to take them. That is the question...)

1 comment:

Bill said...

Orchids??? No...