Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I'm a Borg

Dancing Goats blend coffee in a paper cup, some whiny guy music playing in the background, it's a Kavarna morning! Both Bertha and Bettina were fired with full loads yesterday (thanks again to my spouse who patiently waited for me while I worked late on his birthday!) and they are still cooling. I have all the pieces that will fire this week cut (I went through about 20 sheets of glass yesterday) and both kilns will be loaded up again this afternoon. It's a full production week.

Now I just need to make the mental shift to data modeling, database implementation. It's been awhile since I've had time to work on it, what with the many hats of the small business owner. As is apparent from the photo, I am now equipped for the computer work--I am borged and blinged. My Mac only has an 80 gig hard drive and it's full. Solution? A 230 gig USB-powered hard drive velcroed to the top... whoo hoo. Thanks to Guarav Malhotra for snapping the pic and emailing it instantaneously to me with his iPhone (my iPhone's battery was dead).


Bill said...

There was something I wanted to say about memory, but I can't recall what it was...

Dee said...

LOLOL well holler if you want datamodeling help, i sleep with the datamodeling guru of hotlanta....