Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Coffee in the New Orleans mug, "Rock Anthem" by Diesel Boy (from the album "Rode Hard and Put Away Wet") on iTunes. I thought about listening to Marc Broussard to complete the New Orleans theme (and to prepare for Monday night when I get to see him live!), but the Diesel Boys album title was too appropriate to pass up. Ungh. I am laid low by a summer cold. All I want to do is sleep and cough, but the former is not on the cards for today--I have no control over the latter.

I didn't ship yesterday. Between almost running out of gas (twice) and dealing with a glitch in the studio alarm system, I was kept hopping right up until Jessie's new teacher came at 5:00 for a home visit and the work day ended. Today Becky (the new assistant) comes at 9:00 so I have to be ready to work (she's very prompt--unlike both me and my former assistant Stacy...). She's shaping up both me and the studio. Dan the carpenter was in yesterday and got the white boards up, the bubble wrap dispenser up, another frit storage rack put up, the front porch siding painted, and miscellaneous other things fixed. Between Becky and Dan I'm going to be organized by the en dof summer--whether I want to or not.

Now off to drag my behind to the studio (I'll get dressed and brush my teeth first).


Bill said...

Good idea. Dressing after you walk to the studio might upset the neighbors.

Brenda Griffith said...

In our neighborhood? Are you kidding? I doubt if they'd even notice.