Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Coffee is a Zack in a paper cup, music is serious mope rock on cd. Let the Kavarna experience begin. Personally I think "Zack" is a weird name for coffee with an extra shot of espresso. Shot in the Dark, Red Eye, Eye Opener, yeah. Zack? Whatever.

Studio update: the fence is going up today with three gates in it. The main double gate is across the drive, there will be a little walk-through gate to our yard in back, and another big double gate on the side of the drive at the end for commercial deliveries (no exterior handles on that one). Tomorrow morning the electrician meets with the city's electrical inspector for the final (hope, hope) inspection. Time to paint. Time to move.

Today there are NO FIRINGS SCHEDULED. Wow. The fountain face I re-did yesterday for the GPQ article turned out well, and that's all I have going for a few weeks. To ensure that I won't squander this unusual free time I need to plan something for it. Otherwise in two weeks I'll look back and be just where I am now, and who wants to stay in the same place? It's okay to schedule it as time to read a bunch of books, re-plant the garden pots, something else non-glass oriented, but the point is I need to have *some* goals.

Today's goal is to get the quickbooks set up on the laptop, work on FeSiO site and materials (new pieces shown here) and put together the suppliers list for the book. Oh yes, and to outline the article for the book. Give me an extended deadline and I'll still use every minute of it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about having your nails done? Getting a new hairdo? Maybe a massage?