Coffee in the Denver skyline mug, "Adrift" by the Barenaked Ladies on iTunes. Were I Dave I would get a happiness point for listening to a new album. Alas, I'm just adrift. This isn't the week to be adrift. Today the guys show up to grade the yard of the studio property and remove all the kudzu, concrete, trash, etc. Dan (our great contractor) will get the doors, deck and fence materials delivered and cut the hole for the new door between the back hall and the kitchen. Brian (the world's best electrician) was there all weekend putting in the new meter and the new 200 amp fusebox and wiring. Today I have to get the gas turned on and check to make sure the water meter has been read. Property ownership... there's always something.
Last week was incredibly full of balls in the air. Only one was dropped and it's been picked up for this week (the fountain project and article for GPQ). "We all did our best now, we all need to rest now, leave me alone..." from "Bank Job" by the BNL plays as I type. Breakage by UPS from three separate orders to fire and ship this week. A reorder to do from a new gallery that received their first order last week and sold four pieces in two days, and REN'S PIECE will be done and shipped!!! I have fired and sold it several times since I promised it to her, this week it's guaranteed. (Don't feel slighted, Ren--I still haven't made and given the gifts for the attendants at our wedding yet. I promised them glass pieces... 12 years ago. Yee Haw.)
Now I better run to the studio to wait for contractors. While I'm there I'm going to test the limits of the internet and phone from the house.
i don't feel slighted as i have a HUGE stack of dvds and cds for just keeps growing!
When do you build the underground escape tunnel from the studio to the house? When will you be putting in the pirhana pond? Will you have guard towers and searchlights? What will you be using as machine guns, 50-caliber, or high-speed Gatling guns?
My landscaper friend AND my carpenter both just told me that it would be a bad idea to open the fence up all the way right away. Need to wait a year or so and settle in to the neighborhood first. I guess around the corner and down a few doors makes a difference. I am so not an urban girl. Maybe the tunnel DOES make sense...
*Maniacal laughter in the background*
And they called ME insane! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
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