Thursday, December 28, 2017

It's a Strange Life

In two and a half weeks I am going to be a very happy person as I won't have anymore external deadlines. It's sort of like being retired to work at your own pace, and employed to work at someone else's. Right now I am definitely employed with two full-time jobs. Unfortunately I did not get the SQL documentation done for before a prior commitment--helping Jessie with her fashion show pieces--came due. Now I'm working on both (alternately) pretty much from when I get up in the morning till when I go to bed except for mealtimes and posting. Oh and showering. I am trying to stay hygienic through this difficult time. I am left with very little thought or energy for anything else. To finish up the poor pitiful me whine, I am still sick with the lousy cold I got last Tuesday on vacation. So I'm off to bed to dream of brocade vests and beaded trim waltzing with GROUP_CONCAT and SELECT *. While coughing in my sleep. Wish me well.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Plan on a three day crash when all is done.