Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Exhilarated and Terrified

'Tis a night fit neither for man nor beast. The rain is sheeting off the roof and the wind is blowing it hard against the windows. The storm is both exhilarating and a bit terrifying--much like my new contract job at Data.World. This morning I got a Mode account and used it to review the Mode SQL tutorial, and I also got a GitHub account. At 1:00 pm I attended the kick-off meeting for the project and signed a six-page independent contractor agreement. When I got home from the meeting (3:00), I added Data.World to my heretofore unused Slack account, installed and configured Atom (per the website, a hackable text editor for the 21st century), and added a new Data.World shared board to my Trello account. I even started writing the first doc! All that was before dinner. After dinner I wrote the complete outline and hierarchical structure for all the docs--really delving into what I need to write to successfully complete my contract. I am simultaneously exhilarated and terrified. I don't have any doubt that I can do it. My only question is, can I do it to my (and Dave's) standards before the end of the month?

Now it's after 11:30 and my head is spinning from so much writing. I have to go put it on a pillow. In a dark room. Next to a spouse. (Mine).

1 comment:

Bill said...

Best wishes...