Saturday, February 25, 2017


Lord of the Rings, Stansborough Farms, Gotland Sheep Wool Cloaks

As I was reminded yesterday, I have other things to do than just play with the garden. Today reinforced this reality with another glass order coming in, and the arrival of the box of raw sheep fleece and other miscellany from my spinning class in Wisconsin the week before last. I haven't opened it yet as I'm not quite sure where to put all the stinky fleece! Guess I'll have to wash it all next week and then I can store it with the rest of my clean fiber (all 200+ lbs of it--the rest of the clean fiber, not the new...). In addition to the wool I got from my class and the additional raw samples I bought, I also have some raw Gotland (real Lord of the Rings fleece from the same farm that raised the sheep whose wool was used in the middle earth cloaks) coming from a friend in Atlanta, and a whole, fresh, raw BFL (Blue-Faced Leicester)/ Cormo cross coming from a friend outside Atlanta. She just sheared the sheep, and I am using just about the whole thing for my homework.

Today, in preparation for doing things, I organized! Most of my time was spent in the textile studio (I found my sewing machine foot pedal and power cord so I can make Dave shirts again), but I also worked on my desk and a bit in the wood shop under the master bedroom. I even took time to go down to San Marcos to pick up the child from an art competition (she got a gold medal) and then we went to see the Lego Batman movie. Tomorrow will be more of the same with some time in the glass studio to make the new order and play around with the whorls for the spindles I am going to be doing with Scott. I do need to do a bit of housework--floors and bathrooms--and I promised myself time planning the plants for the garden... Sounds like I am already out of time so I might as well not think of anything more. It's a good life.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Busy is much better than boring.