Thursday, February 21, 2008

Congratulations Bill Zweifel!

Lapsang Souchong tea with cream in the Montreal skyline mug, Jessie practicing her puppet show on the coffee table as my background music. There is no reason to post today. Yesterday I spent in the big chair writing, analyzing sales data, and drinking hot tea to get over this wretched cold. Today I am back in the big chair finishing my article and working on my website with Christian. I also hope to get a firing in, and J has gymnastics and ballet. Immediately post-show I am still catching up on correspondence and viewing with dismay the whirlwind disaster I left in the studio trying to get out the door for Philly. Add the cold to that, and I do not scintillate.

Personal (as opposed to business) highlights of the BMAC will wrap up the post for today. I'm sorry that I didn't get to the Niche Awards this year as Bill Zweifel won for Drift! It was good to visit with Nancy (however briefly), to hug Marty, to chat with Bill for a couple of minutes twice, to have other artists buy signed copies of my book, and to trade for kaleidescopes. I missed seeing Sara for more than a couple of seconds, and I didn't get over to see Patty Hulet at all either. Something I did see this year however, that I had managed to miss for the past four years was Loy Allen's work. She has been exhibiting at the show for the past 11 years so I don't know what was up with my eyes. Probably missed her because I have never completely walked the glass aisles--much less the whole show. Maybe in August. Having found her this year, I have already begun a collection of her work. The first piece in it is the large mantis for Dave. No, I'm not trying to tell him anything!

1 comment:

Bill said...

Leave the scintillation for your glass.

Oh, Dave! Don't let her bite your head...