Monday, February 11, 2008

T-1, Ooh Baby I'm Counting!

Coffee in the Austin skyline mug, "Choctaw Bingo" by James McMurtry on iTunes. "Strap them kids in, give 'em a little bit of vodka and some cherry coke, we're goin' to Oklahoma for the family reunion." Well, not Oklahoma exactly. Going to Philadelphia. And I might be strappin' the kid in to go with me, but I'll refrain from giving her either vodka or cherry coke. Primaries, caucuses and the Waldorf mid-winter break are all poorly timed. And then there's this whole get-out-of-school-at-1:00 thing. Got to call the BMAC this morning to see how much mercy they have for me to throw myself on (there is a kid's camp which is good as J is too young to be allowed on the show floor, but the deadline for registering was some weeks ago).

T-1. Tomorrow minus one day day. Tomorrow, of course, I leave for the Buyer's Market of American Craft. I have one more big kiln load to do--the slump of all the functional pieces I did for the show. Let's hope the fuse yesterday turned out okay. And what else is hopping today... No ikebana (no time). Thought about drawing a chalk outline on the studio floor and putting everything in it to see if it would all fit in the new crate (to go to Vegas from Philadelphia), but what's the point? It'll either fit or it won't, and if it doesn't there isn't a whole lot I can do about it. I'll just have to fill the crate till it's full and ship the rest in boxes from Atlanta in April. C'est la vie.

Before skittering out of town, today I meet with my accountant to go over my books for the year (finally). I am also stepping out for something new and at the nagging of a friend, I am having an energy reading. It was that or a facial and Fabu is closed today.

Last night I made HUGE progress on the new website and I hope to finish it up today... and that's enough to do to get me out of town. If you want to take a peak now you can see it at And if I can get on Christian's calendar, tomorrow it will be live. Also for tomorrow, my "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" pieces should be arriving at their destinations in California. I am going ahead and putting up pics today as I don't think I'll have time tomorrow. Hope Jane and Brenda are reading the blog... The hearts (about 3/4" thick) are fused in the same firing they are tackfused to the plate and the plate is slumped--one stop firing!

Finally, last week Siyeh Studio received the Grovewood Gallery's Award of Excellence for Best New Artist in Glass, 2007. Whoo hoo!


Bill said...

Well, after all these years, it's nice to know that you're a NEW artist.

Dee said...

LOL brenda, congrats on the award ;)) how many years have you done the rosen show now? the sweetheart pieces look wonderfull!