Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday Blues

Coffee in the Austin skyline mug, "Ada" by the National on iTunes. It's one of THOSE mornings ("Ada" is a strangely disquieting, mourning-opportunities-passed, melancholy, longing kind of song for me--akin to "Cloudy This Morning" by George Winston). But no time--and certainly no reason--to mope. Got glass to fire, an article to finish, a display to design, and orders to ship. Too bad the day is grey and mopey too. It'd be a lot harder to resist bright, warm sun.

Yesterday was a much more up day for me--and there are great photos of the new work on yesterday's post--so I think I'll just disgruntle off to "The Fields of Pelenor" by Howard Shore. I'll perk tomorrow. Promise.


Bill said...

You'll make coffee tomorrow? How nice!

Brenda Griffith said...

That would be perc, not perk. And we drip drip brew (and by "we" I mean Dave). So don't expect beans from us tomorrow....