Thursday, November 06, 2008

Thursday Already

Coffee in the Denver architect series mug (with pumpkin spice coffee mate--yum!), "Shiny Happy People" by R.E.M on iTunes. It's a good day to be an American. I noticed as I started to post this morning that I have 666 posts in this blog. Is it a sign?! No post yesterday as I was off to the 7th graders at l'aube of dawn and had all the Jessie-out-the-door things to do too (Dave was still at CNN making the servers run on time for the election). But he was home last night and we all had a non-burned home-cooked meal of chipotle chicken, rice, beans, fried plantains with sour cream, and tortillas. Ah comfort starch.

I am fueled for a big glass day--too bad there isn't big glass to do. I still have yesterday's loads to fire--life interrupted glass as it has so often lately--but I should have them in by noon. I realized this morning that I have an appointment scheduled with my accountant tomorrow to go over my books for the year to date. I am going to have to reschedule as I haven't entered anything into Quickbooks since January and there's no way I can get it all in this afternoon--life interruptions again. I finally broke down and bought Quickbooks for the Mac. I got it just after a new version was released and so far it hasn't been too heinous (of course all I've done is migrate my old data and attempt [and fail] to establish connectivity with my bank accounts).

It's good to have the election done. It's been Dave's project for the past three years and now that the climax is over he'll have a lot of Kavarna days between now and the end of the year. Kavarna days (days when we work from the Kavarna coffee shop in Oakhurst) are good for me as they focus me on the ERP system and my website. It's hard to go to the studio when there's nothing to fire. It's a wonderful, welcoming space, but so is my house, and it's too easy to putter at home if I don't have something that must be done in the studio. Some days (like many recent ones) even something to do in the studio hasn't been enough to get me out of home mode.

Today I will be in the studio at 9:00. That's my goal and I'm stickin' to it.


Bill said...

Not since JANUARY? Omighod.

Brenda Griffith said...

Nope. I usually do the entire year after Christmas and New Year's--just in time to get it all to my accountant for my taxes. I'm ahead this year! (Or I will be if I get it all done...)