Wednesday, April 26, 2006

When the Going...

Coffee in the New York Skyline mug, "Something Wild" by John Hiatt on iTunes--still not the iPod, but I had to have music this morning. The floral journeymanpiece at right is this week's Ikebana arrangement of maple, flax and alstroemaria. Ikebana is my Monday guilty pleasure.

This post is brought to you via iMac. Yep, we finally broke down and acquired a Mac. It is not the Mac laptop for which I have been lusting, it is the whole family/business Mac which lives in the office. More on it--the whyfors and coolnesses--in the appropriate venue (Stranded in the South).

I didn't make it into the studio yesterday. I am now a day behind on shipping one order and firing another. I may be able to make up time this weekend on firing the one and I will definitely ship today on the other.

Yesterday I spent all day in the office. I sorted and organized and pseudo-filed. Pseudo-filing is when papers to be filed make it into a basket of the correct category, e.g., Griffith Family or Siyeh Studio. This is one step closer to the ultimate goal of the filing cabinet (or the shredder if they become obsolete before actual filing). The outcome of the day is that I now know the location of every piece of paper which is waiting for action from me, and eventually I will address them all. I did take care of doing, faxing/mailing the urgent must-go-out-yesterday pieces so I am caught up there.

Off to kilnform (and unload last week's delivery before it gets rained on... again)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds reasonably effective as a use of your time. It is something that's necessary.

A Mac? I'm surprised...