Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How Long

Chai Latte in the Love symbol mug, "Breaking the Girl" by Red Hot Chili Peppers on iTunes. I'm not sure if the girl referred to is Becky the wunder assistant or me, but one--or both--of us was definitely broken by yesterday's shipping. Ten boxes weighing 181 lbs with contents valued at $6,570 were frantically, harriedly, hurriedly packed and out the door for shipping by 5:30 last night--and then I filled both big kilns and fired them. I am pooped. Tomorrow is the first day of the BMAC and I need to dredge to find the energy for it. Just over a week ago I was euphoric and rested from a massively productive weekend with Bill and Elaine from Black Cat, today I drag from one chore to the next (and "How Long" by the Chili Peppers just came on: "How long, how long will I slide... "). Dave's shift in employment status and goals has been stressful for both of us--more than we expected, though we are still upbeat and optimistic that everything will work out for the best.

Focus on the positive. Today was the best start ever for the BMAC as Bill, Elaine and Dee all came for breakfast on their way to the airport to fly for Philly. Dave cooked us all pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon served with fresh blueberries and strawberries. Tonight he gets to show off his culinary skills again as we host Todd, John and Christie for dinner. Todd is staying at our place tonight so he and I can leave early for the airport in the morning (and then off to Philly too).

Now one more load to get in to fire so I can ship it when I return, and two orders to go out today. Becky is due at 2:00--hope she still lives.


Bill said...

The fact is that you do have lots of orders; you should be pleased and proud of how well you are doing.

Good luck at BMAC...

Dee said...

brenda, this was the best start to a show i've ever had ;)) hope you are in bed by now - i'll be in mine shortly up here in phili - and have a good flight tomorrow with todd.