Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Computer Ate My Homework

Coffee was hours ago (thanks honey for setting up the coffee maker before you left for Austin!), it was in the Austin mug in honor or Dave's job interview trip there today. There is NO music as I just got back from the Apple store and the external hard drive that holds all my Time Machine backups, my entire remaining iTunes library (the main iTunes library was lost when the hard drive on the desktop iMac failed--for the second time), AND all of my iMovies is not readable. Frankly, I really do not have time to futz around with system administration, but like it or not that appears to be my fate today. When the Apple store gets the new IO board in for my laptop, I will have to take it back in for another couple of days. In the meantime, I got yet another external back-up drive (this one firewire and USB instead of just USB) and I am backing up everything I have not yet lost--all business and personal data files and applications--to it. I also got a copy of R-Studio for Mac and am attempting to recover all the images and music files lost from the iMac. It has been A DAY.

Add to the day completing the paperwork for the permanent showroom in Dallas (and upping my general liability insurance for the studio to $1,000,000 as part of the process), chasing down the PO for the department store (and filing their eBiz payment paperwork) so I can get that order shipped, and... ack! ack! ack!

Need to take a break from the chaos and talk about one of the Hot Topics at the BMAC: The Eco Arts and Fair Trade Market slated to debut at this year's summer Buyer's Market and planned to co-run with it every February and August. I unfortunately missed the beginning of the wrap-up meeting for the artists on Monday morning, but from what I gathered during the last half of the meeting the idea of having an international arts and crafts market--socially conscious or not--in conjunction with an all-American/Canadian show was not well-received by the Buyer's market Exhibitors and--at least the "Fair Trade" portion--was cancelled for this summer. It will be interesting to see how this project, endorsed by the Rosen Group, proceeds.

The stacks of papers have not gone away and it's already dinner time. Got to order a pizza for me and the Sprout (what, you think I'm cooking? Remember last time? Breakfast AND dinner...). I'll fire tomorrow--at least the computers on the kilns work! Tomorrow, pics of the new stand pieces and a real show review with plenty of stats and hearsay.


Dee said...

the joys of technology! i still have to sort out my back up drive issue...

enjoy the pizza - i know it'll be better than what we got up in phili! - and good luck with the computer stuff...

Bill said...

You need lots more backup than that. Have you looked into online backup services for your business files?