Monday, January 09, 2023

There is too much to write

It-was-hot-now-it's-cold mint tea in a little mug with Jessie's hand and foot prints on it, only the sound of the dryer for background music. Mint tea is good for digestion. I am old and I need help digesting. A word of warning: This post is not really worth reading. It is whiny and pitiful and tired, like me. But I have to post, if only to say "I promise I'll write with energy and enthusiasm first thing tomorrow!"

It is late. Not only did I not blog first thing this morning, but I couldn't even get to it till now. It was truly a hair-on-fire day.  I reached out to my publisher about getting the rights for my book back so that is in motion--it is sadly the only piece of my New Project that got any attention today. Most of the day was spent wrapping up my paperwork for a tidy exit from, and dealing with other really annoying administrative tasks. I am exhausted. But I meditated, walked the dog, did not drink, blogged, and am heading off to do yoga before a hot tub and bed. I'll scintillate tomorrow. Really, really.


Bill said...

Anything you want to post, we're happy to read!

Brenda Griffith said...

Aww Bill! You are the best.