A new week has begun! I luxuriate in a medium mocha at Chocolate (and the occasional nibble on Dave's bagel--my new dieting strategy: Never order my own food, just take one or two bites from the food of everyone around me). The post today is going to be long with even more photos than text. I'm way behind on studio happenings--and they have been quite post-worthy. Some of today's topics (like the drive-in and the Ren Faire) don't really have anything to do with glass, but right now the studio events and the rest of my time all blur into one big LIFE so I'm not going to bother to separate them out. And speaking of big life, that is me all cozied up to former President Jimmie Carter last Saturday--no photoshopping involved. Details forthcoming.

Last week was intense, and it started at the end of the week before with the arrival of Johnathon Schmuck and two of the participants for the roll-up workshop. We hit the ground running on Saturday and flew by the seat of our pants through Thursday. We got through the capricious weather, schedule changes, piece failures and the breaking in of the new pick-up kiln with just a few bruises. Friday we caught our breath--just in time for the arrival of the latest glass delivery from Bullseye. I got a little planning in, and then had to jump right into the East Lake Farmer's Market on Saturday morning. (I'm glad I scheduled Opaline-A-Palooza for every other week and this was our week off).

Week two of the East Lake Farmer's Market was pretty quiet until about 11:00. There were no collard greens cooking, no live music playing, no farmers selling organic produce (except for the people next to us who sell eggs and meat from free-range chickens). There was some organic produce available from the staff of the farmer's market, but apparently there are far more farmer's markets than there are organic farmers to sell at them so it's hard to get vendors. There were only six of us this week--the farmer's market booth, LefTeas, two bakeries (sorry, I didn't get names), Little Red Hen Farms with organic eggs, and us.

Traffic was desultory. Then former President Jimmie Carter showed up with Mrs. Carter and their grandson Jason (who lives just down the road in Candler Park and who is running for State Senate from our district) and things picked up right quick. There were more secret service people than vendors, but the crowd sure filled in. I was lucky enough to get to shake President Carter's hand, exchange a few words and get my picture taken with him.

For those who posted on facebook--No, he and Mrs. Carter aren't coming for date night in the hotshop (Jessie thinks they should come and do a kilnforming date night with me instead anyway), and no, they didn't buy anything (they didn't even get much past the entry gates and we were set-up at the other end), but they sure made my day!

The tea vendor (
LefTeas) knew he was coming in advance and brought her special organic white tea with peach and apricot essence and osmanthus flowers (Give Peach a Chance). It has his picture on the bag and they got a photo of him holding it. I bought a bag for myself and can't wait to try it (I love their Yellow Dog Democrat blend).

Saturday afternoon I crashed. I meant to do some fusing, some planning, work on the website, but I just plain ran out of steam. I napped for several hours. Then we went to the drive-in for the opening weekend of Iron Man 2. The movie didn't start till 9:00 but we went at 7:30 (in the mini cooper with chairs and a cooler) and got the last good spot (second row center). The gates open at 7:00 and it's a big cook-out/picnic with kids running around throwing footballs, playing tag, making new friends, and adults grilling on their little (or as in the case of the people next to us not-so-little) Webers for two hours till showtime. It's amazing. The people next to us on one side had a big grill on wheels for their two cars full of people. The pick-up on the other side of us had a mattress in the bed and they had boxes of fried chicken and mashed potatoes. There were grills and beer everywhere. It was one big tailgate party.

Yesterday, Mother's Day, was a complete and total day off for me--the first in I-don't-know-how-long, probably since spring break. It started with breakfast in bed made by Dave and the J (she scrambled the eggs). Then we went to the Renaissance Faire in costume (Dave is one sexy Musketeer), and when we got home I napped for a couple of hours. I did answer a couple of emails and review an article just before bed, but it was really and truly a Day Off. (Dave let me sleep in this morning till 8:30 AND we went to bed fairly early last night--I was seriously behind on sleep).

Wow am I charged today! This week my goals are to get the new website up, get Keith's Christmas plates done BEFORE his birthday, and start the roll-ups for ACRE in Vegas in a couple of weeks. Yikes. ACRE, then summer camp! No rest for the wicked...