Sunday, January 08, 2023

Let the day begin

No coffee, no music. What's the world coming to?

Well, it's no longer morning--I took Rémy to the dog park with Zaga this morning, and then put away Christmas. That took all of the morning. And it's Sunday, so the one day of no routine in the week. 

Retirement is a tricky thing. I wasn't much of one for a schedule when I was "working", but now that I am not it, I can see that it would be very easy to fall into sloth and sloven. So I try to maintain if not a strict schedule, at least a set of things I plan to accomplish in the day. Because it's January--the first month of the year and traditional time for resolutions, affirmations, and other things ending in -tion--my daily activities already included:

But those are all things I was doing in addition to working. Now I need to do something instead of working... Interestingly, my first book is out of print (and has been for some time). My contract states that when it goes out of print, all rights revert back to me. Hmm. Tomorrow I call my publisher (was Lark before they were acquired by Sterling, which is a subsidiary of Barnes and Noble). My options are to either convince them to 

  • Put it back in print
  • Release a new edition
  • Turn it over to me. 
From where I stand right now, none of those are bad. And all three of them work well with my New Project. I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Bill said...

I hope the book releases soon, to your joy and profit!