Thursday, February 02, 2023

Girding My Loins to Arrive Home to Icemageddon

Just finished a Sweetwater beer and a burger in the Atlanta airport, and am now on the plane and charging every device I have with me--laptop, iPad, iPhone, Muse meditation device. I even bought a big laptop charging battery in the airport and am charging it for Dave. We are still without power at home with no idea of when it might be restored. I also heard from both Dave and Zaga that we lost a lot of oak trees from ice and breakage. As I understand it,  there are so many trees down in our drive now that Dave can't get down it with a vehicle until I do 2-3 days of chainsawing. Guess I'll be Ubering home from the airport. 

The pictures are courtesy of Dave, who cooked merguez sausage and leftover golden potatoes in the fireplace tonight. I am convinced he did it as much for experience points as for hunger. Thank heaven we got that half cord of wood earlier in the winter. Now if we just had a generator or a way to switch our solar from the grid to our own use when the power is out...

This is the last time I am caught by stupid winter in Austin. I am going into full-on prepper mode, and will be ready for power outages with their dark, and cold, and meat-ruining abilities next year. I am afraid to know the current state of the meat in the freezer (all of the wild game and other exotic meat I got Dave for his birthday). We can't even get to the store to buy a bunch of bags of ice to throw in there to keep it cold. Never again. We have solar that produces 25-115 kWh of electricity a day--all of which is dumped when the power goes out and the grid is turned off. With the current state of batteries, there is no way to store enough to run the house, but we could go to emergency rationing at night, and probably get by during the day. 

1 comment:

Bill said...

We've had three power failures since we put in solar, and the solar or its battery automatically takes over and our most critical functions continue (air conditioning, kitchen, bedroom, etc.) I can't imagine not having that capability...keep warm!