After maybe the most challenging two weeks in the studio EVER, I am finally back to post. (INSERT NOTE: It is now five days since I started this post so make it the most challenging THREE weeks in the studio ever!) Why has it been challenging? Well for one thing, expansion construction continues apace with the extension on the coldworking room almost finished, the new hotshop done but for electric--and a new in-ground trampoline, raised vegetable garden, cinderblock bog pond and 16'X12' 2'-3' deep pond being added to our backyard next to the studio. The design and construction alone were enough to keep me busy full-time, but I didn't HAVE full-time for them. Nope.
Chihuly exhibit at the MFAB continues to be very, very good to me. The museum did a normal order for their stores at the BMAC in February requesting 64 pieces for a 4/1 ship. The exhibit opened on 4/7, and they put in a rush order for another 116 pieces for a 4/15 ship. Now one frazzled month later they are up to 665 pieces to be shipped between 4/1 and 5/31--and the exhibit goes through August 7! I begin to be concerned for my summer travel plans to Montana (and the weaving class I was going to take in New Hampshire in June is now right out...).
I already over 100 pieces to ship the first of May from the Buyer's Market (BMAC) show in February--many of them very large. Bertha, Bettina (the big-girl kilns) and I have become very good friends these past few weeks as I have spent every night from 7 pm to 11 or 12 pm with them. I was not alone. My Mom came over every night after dinner for the past week or so and unloaded Bertha and washed and ground the edges (as necessary) on all the newly fused pieces from her so they could g into Bettina for a slump. Dave kept me company and occasionally unloaded Bettina if I hadn't gotten around to it. Jessie swept the studio floors and watered the flowers in the front bed. Judy kept the frit filled and Amy made the morceaux.

Roll-ups have also kept us quite busy at the studio, and it's coming up time to review our paperweight line and plan the colors and designs for the upcoming BMAC. Speaking of the BMAC, the calendar looms: the BMAC is hot on the heels of BECon, which begins (for me) the day after my birthday which is just over two weeks away--right after I get back from Phoenix (where I am now with Mom and J visiting Mom's brother, my uncle Ed--shown here with J). Before the BMAC I need to get two more big orders out, figure out what work I'm going to show and make it, have the roll-ups and paperweights photographed, have postcards made... oh yes, and make a new website for Siyeh Studio (as opposed to Siyeh Glass) for my production work.
I begin to think my 50th year may be my busiest yet!