Thursday, August 17, 2017

B12 + Caffeine and Other Things = Focus + Energy

I was amazed yesterday at the way I felt after starting the medication for diabetes and the vitamin B12 supplement the doctor put me on. I was focused, energetic--I felt like I could take on the world. I honestly also felt like I was at the midpoint of my life. You know how you have kind of a running gauge of how many grains of sand you have left in your hourglass? Well I do anyway. And lately I have been feeling in the 20-25 year grain range. Not a short life, but more behind the cart than in front. Yesterday and today I felt like I was at the halfway point. I thought, "Wow! B12! Who knew?"

Then someone on Facebook asked me what I was taking and I looked it up on the Internet. No wonder I'm feeling so good--my vitamins go under the name PepPods, and they are an energy tablet--caffeine and all. They are for hardcore rock climbers, skiers, skateboarders, triathletes, and obstacle course distance runners to take them to the next level of hydration and vitamin, energy, electrolyte balance. And, oh yes, they have 71 mg of caffeine (in my formula). Whatever they are, I'm sold. According to my doctor they are a high-quality source of B12 and other vitamins, and that's what I need.

Tonight after going out for great Mexican food with Dave, I went over to Zaga's to join her and Jessie and learn to play craps. It was so fun! I lost all my chips--as did Zaga--but Jessie managed to end the evening with $650. She didn't know how much she started with (none of us did), but she was definitely up. I had a monster streak where I just kept rolling and winning for all of us and we all had several hundred dollars, but then we had three crap-out-right-away shooters in a row, and all the money was gone. Good lesson in gambling: Just that quickly you an lose it all. But it was fun, and we listened to Frank Sinatra as we played.

Now I need to get some sleep before heading to Zilker Botanical Gardens tomorrow for a class on making products from bee stuff--lip balm, lotion and candles. I had a lot more interesting things to say in this post throughout the day, but sadly they flitted in and out of my mind and I did not capture them for regurgitation here. Maybe tomorrow.


Bill said...

Caffeine has deleterious effects as well. Be careful...

Brenda Griffith said...

I have pretty much given up caffeinated drinks except for the not-quite-daily iced chai latte and the pods only have 71 mg of caffeine in them--less than a cup of ICL or coffee.