Thursday, August 03, 2006

And on the Fourth Day...

No coffee yet, but I heard the beans grinding and have hope. I might as well give up on the idea of actually listening to music as I post anymore. It's too early and the J is still sleeping. The J sleeping makes a nice change--for the past two nights she has either been hell to get to sleep (midnight Tuesday) or playing musical beds all night (last night). I'm afraid I finally got a bit cranky and told her to stay in her own bed at 2:30 when she came in after I had just fallen back to sleep after the last move back to her own bed at 1:30.

And it's Thursday. This is the worst day of the week for me. Many people hate Monday because they have to go back to work after a weekend of sleeping in, relaxing and doing fun social things. Me, I hate Thursday most (sorry Boomtown Rats). Thursday is the day all the weird non-glass-producing chores get stuck. Today I blog, then I invoice the Art Institute and write the production schedule for the book projects at 7:00 (oops, late already), clean for the cleaning women at 8:00, pick up and deliver cupcakes for J's school at 9:00, get my legs waxed at 10:00 (don't go there), deliver to the gallery next door to the leg wax place at 11:30, and have a training call for the ecommerce catalog on my website at 1:00. That means I get to start firing 2:00. And sometime in there I have to shower, dress and brush my teeth.

Thursday is also the day of reckoning for the week. Monday is full-sail optimism on projected productivity, Tuesday the world is still your oyster and even Everest isn't too high. Wednesday you think you can still make it if you really push. But by Thursday it's clear that even if you work all weekend you are going to slip. Again. I hate Thursday.

Post script at 7:40: To add insult to idiocy, I just got around to logging yesterday's firing (the pieces for the fountain) and I realized that I had forgotten to put in the last segment of the firing schedule. So I raced down to the studio and, sure enough, the kiln was off and holding at 750 degrees. This is a feature not a bug, though times like this it is hard to see it that way.


Anonymous said...

Thursday has always been my least favorite day as well.

Wednesday, I'm not thinking of the weekend, but on Thursday, it never seems like the weekend is ever going to arrive...

ren said...

traffic always seems to suck more on thursdays in l.a.

but i don't really like mondays or tuesdays either.